Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.DeMarco has always operated in a tonal hinterland.With this jukebox label software, printing jukebox title strips is finally made EASY and AFFORDABLE!! Print on any type of paper, and any type of printer.Dynamic label spacing for easy cutting.Quickly change the case across entire database.Download fresh new Jukebox Title Strips from our website and easily add to your program.Star rating system for your favorite records.The labels will automatically fill your sheet. Search quickly through your Jukebox database.Sort your database entries by: (Artist, Record Label, Year, Manufacturer ID, Jukebox Name, Star Rating, Date & Time Created/Modified & RPM(45/78) ).Added more text fields for a jukebox label ( Record Label, Year & Manufacturer ID).Increase/Decrease Label Size – Even though title strip sizes should all be standard, we included the ability to resize if they don’t fit exactly the way you like it.More power to customize your labels than ever before. Total control over every aspect of your Jukebox Title Strip.Style Preset – Save and reuse your favorite Title Strip designs Save your jukebox label design masterpiece.Each jukebox label can have a different style.Copy & Paste label styles from one title strip to the next.Adjustable text position – all text on the title strip can be moved.Easy label image editing for unique custom designs.Import any image to be used as a title strip.Import existing databases (Microsoft Excel, CSV, & Create-A-Label 2.x).Once imported into the software you can edit the image for further title strip customization. You can import any image you would like to use as a title strip. If you would like to design your own title strip to use with the software, this version is for you.

Another great feature of Jukebox Create-A-Label v3.0 is the ability to import custom title strips. You can use different title strip designs to make it easy to find a specific artist or genre of music on the jukebox (by color or by theme). There are many different title strip designs to choose from. JukeBox Create-A-Label v3.0 has the ability to print 45 RPM or 78 RPM title strips for your jukebox. There are many other Jukebox Title Strip software out there, but only ONE that can be used very easily with a price point everyone can enjoy! Choose Jukebox Create-A-Label software to print your title strips YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!! Save your vinyl collection and open it anytime you want for quick and easy title strip printing. The software also offers an efficient way to manage your record inventory across multiple jukeboxes. Don’t order title strips when you can print them out in a few minutes. Give that old jukebox a fresh look with new title strips today.